• 23 August 2023 10:47 AM
  • Oleh : Admin KUI
  • 474
Date : 06 September 2023 - 11 October 2023
Location : Zoom Meeting
Contact : Dr. Rukmowati Brotodjojo


Nowadays, the Passage to ASEAN Association represents a network of over 130 universities and colleges from 9 ASEAN countries and consists of more than 1.2 million students. Since 2020, Passage to ASEAN (P2A) was accredited as an entity of ASEAN.

P2A Secretariat hosted 2 series of Student E-xchange Programme in Climate Change (2021) and P2A Virtual Mobility in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2022) with the engagement of over 20 ASEAN institutions and over 200 students. With those successes, Passage to ASEAN Association holds the P2A Mobility in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals season 3 this year. The program is organised by: Duy Tan University, Temasek Polytechnic, and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta; in partnership with ASEAN institutions. This P2A Virtual Mobility addresses the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has proven its effectiveness as an open and flexible platform that can engage students and IHEs regardless of geographical locations, opportunities, and financial means. It uses a range of collaborative activities and methods, specifically designed to replicate the heart and soul of mobility: fun, social interaction, collaboration, sharing and exploring of knowledge, skills, and ideas, and friendship.

  • Official name: P2A Mobility 2023 in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Brief:

The UN SDGs are a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. All countries are called to act in partnership, urgently. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests (THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development, 2022).

  • Costs: Zero to all parties 
  • E-Platform: Zoom Meeting (hosted by P2A Secretariat) 
  • Partners: P2A member institutions
  • Participants: 

- Number of students per IHE: up to 10 students 

- Number of groups (the groups will be divided by P2A): 17 groups in total (Multi-national members, and according to 17 Goals of SDGs) 

  • Schedule: September - October (8 sessions)

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Opening Ceremony


Panel discussion

Group Assignments


Project Process Report

Clips submission

Facebook Uploading

& Voting

Lecturers Sharing


Final Showcase


Closing Ceremony









Project Requirement: 

Output Submission: 

o Duration: 1-3 minutes 

o Clip format: Landscape format

o Presenters: 

  • The clip will be prepared by project groups 
  • Minimum ONE representative from each University needs to present/appear in the video. 

o Content for the above may include drawings, photos, sharing, video, etc.

o Content to ensure use of copyright-free material 

Students will explore the below issues and propose solutions that can be practised in ASEAN: 

Group 1

SDG 1: No Poverty

Group 2

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Group 3

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Group 4

SDG 4: Quality Education

Group 5

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Group 6

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Group 7

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Group 8

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Group 9

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Group 10

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

Group 11

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 

Group 12

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production 

Group 13

SDG 13: Climate Action 

Group 14

SDG 14: Life Below Water 

Group 15

SDG 15: Life on Land 

Group 16

SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Group 17

SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


At the end of the program, students are expected to have a greater understanding and appreciation of the UN SDGs and how we can be “leaving no one behind” as we endeavour to be greater Global Citizens. 

  • Assessment: 


The 8 most popular videos (ONE point for each like, share and comment in Facebook by date/time) will be shown and awarded on the session 8. 


From the 8 most popular videos, board of judges from the organising IHEs will be making their assessment virtually based on: 

- Knowledge sharing (25%) 

- Practicality and application (25%) 

- Artistry, e.g., comedy, original music score… (25%) 

- Collaboration, e.g., getting the entire team involved, getting friends involved… (25%) The prize includes: 

o Gold clip, 

o Silver clip 

o Bronze clip 

The clips are an honor and have no monetary value. 


  • Detailed Schedule

Session time: Afternoon (GMT+7)




Session 1


Sep 6


 2:00 PM (GMT+7)

on Zoom Meeting

Opening Ceremony


Panel discussion


Breakout rooms

Welcome remarks:

- Representatives of IHEs

Panel discussion

3 experts from Europe & ASIA (Moderated by UPNVY)

Breakout room for the first discussion

Session 2

Fri - Sep 08

 2:00 PM(GMT+7)

on Zoom Meeting

Expectations of the final presentation


Group Assignments


Project Proposal


Expectations of the final presentation 

Program Briefing:

  • Brief the program timeline for students
  • Guide students on the requirement of the final projects



Students will have a discussion of ideas for the

final project

(Proposal Draft outline)

Session 3

Wed - Sep 13


 2:00 PM(GMT+7)

on Zoom Meeting


Students will present their ideas for the final

presentation's drafted outline and task assignment to get the mentors' consultation.

After E-Consultation, 

your team is encouraged to set up your own discussion sessions as many as you can to complete the video 

Session 4

Wed - Sep 20

Project Report

on Zoom Meeting

Project Process Report

The student will join Zoom to report the project process.

Session 5


Sep 27


NO Zoom Meeting

Clips submission

Groups will submit their final videos & content by 16:00 (GMT+7)

Session 6

Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- Sep 28,29,30 &
Oct 01

NO Zoom Meeting

Facebook Uploading

& Voting

The videos will be uploaded on P2A official Facebook Channel, HERE

Each team will have 5 days to call for voting. The deadline for voting will be shown on each FB post.

   - 1 Like = 1 point

   - Share with hashtag = 1 point

(#P2A #PassageToASEAN #HybirdMobility #P2AHMD2023 #SDGs)


At the same time, the videos will be sent to P2A mentors for scoring.

Session 7

Fri - Oct 06

NO Zoom Meeting

Lecturers Sharing




Top 8 Finalists (No announcement)

Lecturers Sharing

3 Lecturer from DTU, TP and UNPVY will share about a SGD topic


Top 8 Finalists (No announcement):

Session 8


Oct 11

 2:00 PM(GMT+7)

on Zoom Meeting 

Final Showcase


Closing Ceremony

Final Showcase & Judgements

Final Showcase & Judgements:

   - Top 6 clips to be shown

   - Comments from the board of judges for the

Top 6

   - Top 3 clips announcement

   - Reflection clips


  • Deadline Dates:

All submission to P2A Secretariat: p2asecretariat@passagetoasean.org

- 10 August 2023: Deadline Confirmation of Institution Participation

- 26 August 2023: Submission deadline for Institution Student List

- 31 August 2023: Official Orientation Email to participan

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